Category Archives: Amsterdam 2009

A history of non-drug treatment in migraine

Peter J. Koehler

In most historical reviews of migraine, medicinal treatments are considered while non-drug treatments are hardly addressed. In this paper, I will review the history of these non-drug treatments. I have analysed texts by physicians known to have written on headache and migraine during the main historical periods up to 1900. Additionally, some mainstream neurological textbooks of the 20th century have been studied to review contemporary non-drug treatments.

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Program 2009

Pulitzer Hotel, Amsterdam

Welcome and introduction

Part I Invited speakers: Local cranial treatments for headache Chair: E.G.M. Couturier (NL)
09:05-09:40 A history of non-drug treatment in migraine P.J. Koehler (NL)
09:40-10:15 Occipital nerve stimulation in primary headache syndromes M. Matharu (UK)
10:15-10:50 Greater occipital nerve block: use, or no use? J.M.S. Pearce (UK)

10:50-11:15 Coffee break

Part II Free communications Chair: G. Elrington (UK)
11:15-11:30 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia triggered by non-noxious stimuli at multiple cephalic and extracephalic sites J.W.M. ter Berg (NL)
11:30-11:45 Migraine pharmacology K.Y. Chan (NL)
11:45-12:00 Reducing the burden of headache in children: evaluating complex interventions in complex systems D.P. Kernick (UK)
12:00-12:15 Response in cluster headache to oxygen A. Backx (NL)
12:15-12:30 Cluster headache sine headache M.P. te Lintelo & P.J. Koehler (NL)
12:30-12:45 The exertional cephalalgias: a review R. Lane & P. Davies (UK)
12:45-13:00 Are migraineurs at increased risk of adverse drug responses? A meta-analytic comparison of toparimate-related adverser drug reactions in epilepsy and migraine J.A. Carpay (NL)

13:00-14:00 Lunch

Part III Break-out session: Psychology & Headache Chair: A.J.H. van Diepen (NL)
14:05-14:50 Small group discussions
14:50-15:15 Group feedback
15:15-15:45 How to Mend a Plane D.M. Coleston-Shields (UK)

15:45-16:15 Tea break

Part IV Marcia Wilkinson lecture Introduction: D.M. Coleston-Shields (UK)
16:15-17:00 Has headache any purpose? 17th Marcia Wilkinson lecture by R. Peatfield

Part V AGM
17:30-18:00 Annual General Meeting (ADMA members only)