Category Archives: Leuven 2007
Bioequivalence in migraine: influence of migraine on pharmacokinetics and gastric emptying
B. van der Schueren & J. de Hoon
In an attempt to improve clinical drug development, one has become increasingly attentive to how the rate and extent of absorption of a compound can be influenced by pathophysiological processes and how this can affect drug efficacy. Whereas previously the term bioequivalence was exclusively used to imply that the rate and extent of absorption of two pharmaceutical compounds did not differ statistically, it is now often used to refer to the changes in the kinetic properties of a compound when administered under different circumstances.
Migraine is known to delay the absorption of orally administered drugs, which leads to postponed therapeutic responses and smaller response rates. As anti-migraine compounds are specifically intended to rapidly abort an acute attack, their pharmacokinetic properties, which are directly linked to their efficacy, should be evaluated early in the development of new compounds. An overview is provided of the existing literature illustrating the influence of migraine headache on the bioequivalence of acute antimigraine drugs.
Program 2007
Opening address: J. de Hoon
Part I: Pharmacokinetics: does the headache matter? Chair: J. de Hoon
Migraine and nasal drug delivery. F. Merkus (NL)
Bio-equivalence in migraine: influence of migraine on pharmacokinetics and gastric emptying. B. Van der Schueren, J. de Hoon (B)
Coffee break
Part II: Free communications. Chair: David Kernick
Arterial structure and function in migraine. F. Vanmolkot, L. Van Bortel, J. de Hoon (B)
Visual Masking in migraine. G. Wyatt, A.J. Shepherd (UK)
Headache and ophtalmoplegia: ophtalmoplegic migraine or “cranial neuralgia”? R.J.M. Lane, P.T.G. Davies (UK)
Dipyridamole and headache: a critical review. F.M. van der Toorn, P.J. Koehler (NL)
A case of neck related chronic cluster headache successfully treater with manipulative physiotherapy: general diagnostic and management implications. C. Fursdon Davis, C. Braund, P.T.G. Davies (UK)
The red ear syndrome. C.C. Staatsen, P.J. Koehler (NL)
Afternoon session: Chair: Wim Mulleners
Invited lecture: Clinical research in migraine: where is the future taking us? T.J. Steiner
Paper of the year election. Moderators: E.G.M. Couturier and Debbie Reynolds
Coffee break
15th Marcia Wilkinson Lecture by Roger Cull; introduced by Paul Davies (UK)
AGM (members only)